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Writer's pictureMichelle Cordova

Full Circle...

Sac State is stripped of leaves, damp, quiet, and emptied of people for Winter Break now, but I started writing this piece back in November. This piece reflects that time. Please enjoy…

Full Circle…

It’s early. The campus is waking up. Sac State is stunning in Autumn dress. Shocks of warmth amongst the evergreen. Yellow, orange, red in all of their glory! It’s cold, but my coffee from the Grumpy Mule is warming me from the inside. It’s the beginning of my new job as Administrative Support Coordinator for the Sacramento State Art Department. I suspect the honeymoon phase with this beautiful campus will be long since I’ve loved Sac State during my schooling here, as an Alumna and now as an employee. Everything is new, yet it’s like I’ve returned home. Full Circle.

Gingko Glow, Sac State
Ginkgo Glow, Sac State

A student walks by with a large art portfolio and I remember my orientation day back in the mid-90’s when I saw a similar sight, which flipped a switch in me then. I marched down to Admissions to change my Major to Art that orientation day. It was a risky choice, and I knew it. I had no idea what the future would look like for me, but I wanted to surround myself with Art, Art-Making, and Artists.

These students today are so talented. They are lightyears ahead of what I was making in class back then. I am honored to help them find their way into the classes they need, and offer support to them now. It’s Administrative work, but with Art at the heart of it.

A breeze kicks up, creating a snow of golden leaves. Fallout from the Ginkgo Trees which are glowing in the hazy mid morning light. My coffee cools down inside the cup. I breathe deep, memories of my time on campus as a student continue to bubble up. I let students into rooms I remember having classes in. It’s like a ghost of me from the past is still sitting in these classrooms, the present me, looking on, a slight smile on her face at knowing that after a full and varied Professional Art Career, she’ll end up back here helping Artists like she is, and was, on the campus she loves so much.

Glimpses at the past keep peeking through, as if time is not linear here on campus. These students today walk the halls, I walked, and all of the students before us, all of our footsteps united by passing through the Art Department hallways.

My walk into work each morning is a treat, an honor, and a continuation of my history with this University. Full Circle, from the young student who spent time painting here, learning about Art and Art History here, meeting fellow Artists, and Art Professors who would change my life forever.

Thank you for reading.


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1 Comment

Jan 01

Congratulations on your new position and going home. You are an inspiration. ☀️

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